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Riley Windland

Riley is twelve years old and is from Williamstown, West Virginia. She has been twirling individually since 2018 and joined Phoenix Twirlers in July of 2023. Riley is a very hard worker and has found a new love for the sport of baton twirling. She loves working on new tricks and will not stop until she gets it. Sometimes, we have to drag her out of the gym because she just won't stop practicing! 

Riley is full of energy and always brings a smile to practice. Her favorite twirling awards are her first two pageant title wins in 2022. Since then she has won numerous other titles in just a short amount of time. She is your 2025 NBTA West Virginia Preteen Show Twirl State Champion, Intermediate open solo winner, and beginner open two baton winner. This past season, Riley won her pageant at all three Triple Crown competitions. She is the Triple Crown New Year's Twirl-A-Bration Preteen Intermediate Pageant Winner, Triple Crown Miss Twirlentine Preteen Intermediate Pageant Winner, and Triple Crown Miss St. Patrick's Day Preteen Intermediate Pageant Winner.

She is very excited to be on such a welcoming team and is very happy to call Phoenix her twirling family. She loves making new twirling friends everywhere she goes.

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Fun Facts

Riley's favorite tricks are spin tricks, but she especially loves working on her three spins. She is currently working towards mastering her toss illusions, many different types of rolls, as well as a variety of two and three baton tricks. She has definitely taken a new liking to three baton recently! She is looking forward to improving her old skills, learning new skills, and creating new memories with her Phoenix teammates.

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